JR Country Presents…

JR Dads at the Ballpark! 

Our very own JR Dads – Docc from JR Mornings and Graeme from JR Afternoons, want to spend the day with other JR dads at the Ballpark! 

Join Docc and Graeme for an afternoon cheering on our Vancouver Canadians at the Nat on Saturday, June 1st. We’ll treat all you dads to some Baseball, Beer, and BBQ!

Enter below for your chance to win an invite for you and one guest.

  • Contest closes at midnight on Tuesday, May 28th.
  • All winners will be notified by May 29th.
  • The Game is at Nat Bailey Stadium on Saturday, June 1st. Game starts at 1:05pm.
  • Each winner will receive a pair of tickets to the BBQ Zone at the game including food and drinks.
  • All ages are welcome but minors must be accompanied by an adult.