World Sleep Day is March 19 and Docc and Nicole have made a #MySleepPromise to each other, to prioritize sleep and invest in getting a good rest! They challenged each other to see who can get the most sleep in a week.

Sleep is one of the best forms of self-care for living a healthier and happier life. We know that sleep is unique to each of us, but we can all take small steps towards a better sleep.

Docc and Nicole will check in with each other each afternoon to see how much sleep the other person got that night. At the end of the week they will see which of them got more sleep and re commit to their #MySleepPromise

Vote below, for Docc or Nicole, for who will get more sleep for you chance to win a $500 gift card to Sleep Country, so you can prioritize a good night’s sleep too! Sleep Country. Sleep Well, Stay Well

#MySleepPromise Tips








This World Sleep Day on March 19th, Sleep Country encourages you to take the Sleep Promise, and commit to small steps to improve your sleep and well-being. Join Sleep Country in celebrating World Sleep Day and share your Sleep Promise on social media using the hashtag #MySleepPromise.

A Sleep Promise is:

    • A promise to invest in and take care of ourselves.
    • A promise to evaluate the role sleep plays in our lives.
    • A promise to take the small steps to build healthier sleep habits.
    • A promise to stop putting sleep at the end of our to-do lists.
    • A promise to give our bodies and minds the rest it deserves.
    • A promise that our future self will thank us for.
    • A promise today for a brighter tomorrow because a better tonight leads to better tomorrow.