Family Day is coming up here in BC, on February 15th.

We have been spending a lot of time with our families over this last year, which has been great. But… maybe on Family Day, we need an activity that we can do to get away from our families?

Tell us why “I LOVE my family, BUT….”

Submit a story below for the chance to win $500 to a sports store to get yourself a bike, or a kayak, maybe a paddleboard, so you can get away from your family on Family Day.

Maybe you LOVE your family… but your father cuts his toenails…at the kitchen table.
Maybe you LOVE your family… but your brother never flushes the toilet
Maybe you LOVE your family… but they just check their food so loud all the time

You’re not alone JR Fam. We get it!

Tell us your stories below for the chance to win! (and vent)